# I G N I T E T H E F I R E


GØDFIRE is a worldwide gaming community built to ignite the fire in every gamer. We created GØDFIRE to be without boundaries. A community that is authentic and inspired by every gamer. To start from nothing, and rise to the top, on our terms.

We aim to shatter the solo gaming stereotype and forge an alliance of community members who game together, win together, and thrive together.

Stop gaming alone. Join us as we redefine the gaming experience.


We are seeking friendly, mature gamers who are interested in building lasting relationships as part of the GØDFIRE brand. Becoming a part of GØDFIRE is joining a family of dedicated, active, and driven gamers. From the casual gamer to the professional, this organization has place for you.


We believe every member plays a crucial part in the success of the organization, and others within. Above all, GØDFIRE values loyalty and commitment. While anyone is welcome to join the discord/participate in public events, we do not allow GØDFIRE Members to be part of competing gaming organizations. You are either one of us, or you are not.


GØDFIRE is more than just being part of the same gaming network.

1 - Click JOIN TODAY and create an account on our website.

2 - Join the GØDFIRE Discord, introduce yourself, and get involved in the Community.

3 - Once you decide GØDFIRE is the right fit for you, contact a staff member for next steps.

We seek loyal and active members for our community. If you're looking to build friendships and be part of a brand that represents something greater - then you'll fit in great!

Stop gaming alone. JOIN TODAY!